Wednesday 19 May 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesday dawned fresh and clear with the promise of a warm day. the first six of the staging team left Ampfield with me at 6a.m. - Chris driving the minibus. We arrived at the show at around 8.30 in time to offload the first of three lorries. On board a few remaining accesories such as the stainless steel water features, the huge terracotta piece for Moroccan Magic and another urn and statue and lots of plants - big plants. Huge specimens of Viburnum burkwoodii, Viburnum plicatum 'Mariesii', Cornus controversa 'Variegata', Syringa josiflexa 'Bellicent', Cornus kousa and so it goes on. My reaction is always "We'll never fit all" that in - but then those planting areas get bigger and the exhibit swallows more and more material. The first rhododendrons arrive - looking good. The cherries we put into place the other day are now fully open with the rising temperatures - colour combinations start to formulate.

Pete and Steve have finished the paving and hard landscaping elements of the exhibit and leaveearly afternoon. Neil, Chris and Dan concentrated on the edging. Stu specialised in his Majorelle pool which is looking good - several exhibitors enquired about bathroom installations - could be a new career break for him. Bring on the Matey.....

Nigel made his last mix - 160 this year - he then turned his attention to Kartika who is comfortably installed on her plinth. We decided to raise her up to show her best assets - we all agreed she has a very pretty face.

Steve and Gary concentrated on the planting around the diary room while Dave pumped water into thirsty trees and specimen shrubs - in the warm tempertures watering will be a priority.

With the rising temperatures watering will be a priority - especially with four lorries to look forward to tomorrow........And now to Ask Pizza....

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