Tuesday 18 May 2010

Tuesday - and the temperature is rising........

Tuesday morning - warmer and the weathermen are promising a heatwave. I don't really want that - I just want comfortable temperatures and a little sunshine.

Just had the staging team briefing. The great thing about Chelsea is that it brings together a group of people from different parts of the company - people who do not normally work together. Although many have done Chelsea before the novelty of the experience never wears off and the anticipation is as exciting as ever. Some may think of it as a few hard days labour - those involved see it as a unique opportunity to be part of a magical creation. The minibus - our transport of delight for the next few days has arrived. Ricky is busy loading ready for three lorries to arrived in London tomorrow - the first one just after we arrive on site - hopefully.

By the time I left the show last night the team seems to be well on schedule. The paving is nearing completion - just the tricky bits of cutting and grouting still to do. The edging is still to do. We use timber sleepers and paint them - grey this year to match the garden pavilion at the end of the diary room.

The Venetian palace is nearly there. The lads from Redwood stone just have the ramparts to complete. These are going to be rather fiddly to render, but both back and front will need it because they will be seen from nearly all angles. I must say this is a fantastic structure and I know it will attract a lot of attention at the show.

Kartika is vaguely in place but still under wraps. Her plinth still needs to be finished and I decided it was better to keep her blindfolded at this stage. I don't want her to be too upset by the apparent chaos around her at the moment. She's tried to improve the weather and we don't want things to go downhill again!

Tom Stogden's fabulous slate sculpture is in place between the birch trees. I think I may raise it on a short plinth so that we don't lose too much of it in the planting. The accompanying slate monoliths are still to be erected.

We had one delivery yesterday - mostly trees for other exhibits and our large cherries and the carpinus hedge which surrounds the diary room. The cherries have been in cold store and will open quickly now they are in the warm. They look fantastic and should cause quite a stir if they stay looking good. However I have to keep reminding myself that the show does not open until a week today.

For me today is about tying up loose ends back at base - however its quite hard to concentrate when you are thinking about what's going on in London. - not long now........

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